Hypixel and Others.
ZeroDay is primarily created by Nefarious Intent. Their website is
The price for this client is only $10.
ZeroDay has been around for a little while, and has always been fairly cheap. It has a history of long periods between updates, however is also known for it's visuals and price. Speaking of it's visuals, they're a main selling point of the client. It has a very customizable HUD, along with other small visual modules such as Superherofx.
ZeroDay has some Hypixel features, however isn't the best at bypassing Hypixel. Usually, it bypasses Hypixel once it updates, however as the days go on it gets weaker and weaker until it's recommended not to use this client. Currently, as of 3/20/2021, this client will autoban you if you go on Hypixel.
ZeroDay is a budget client, and it shows that in it's update schedule. While the client does have some nice visual features, and some other cool modules and features such as a scripting api, in it's current state it won't get you very far on Hypixel.
This page was created on 3/20/2021 by p4.
Last updated
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